Free Play

Free Play

Have a child with endless energy? Can’t make it to your normal class? Drop into MyFirstGym, and let your child’s imagination run wild during free play.

With access to our fun equipment, they’ll jump, crawl and run until they’re out of steam! Great for building fitness, motor skills, confidence and social interaction, our free play is open every morning for our junior members!

Contact your local club and ask for free play availability or make a booking in your member app.

Why is Free Play so great?

Free Play is included in all junior memberships and is members only access. Free Play compliments our weekly Junior Class scheudle perfectly. Members either come in for a stand alone session of Free Play, or book in after their development class.

  • Explore

    Play in an unstructured and safe environment. Climb, run, jump and swing! Exploring obstacles will work on gross motor skills and confidence

  • Play with others

    All members under 4 can access Free Play. Children under 4 can play with each other which is great for socialisation

  • Fun obstacles

    Our Free Play course changes everyday!

  • Flexible booking

    Book in for free whenever it suits you on the app. Stay for 30 minutes or 2 hours – it’s up to you!

Enquire about Free Play


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