Self-Care Your Christmas.
December 9, 2024
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The anecdotal evidence is in: Christmas can be hard as heck y’all. There’s the financial strain (and mental load) of coming up with presents for your children, their aunts, the neighbours and even the dog! The unrealistic expectations we try to meet courtesy of a zillion Disney films and supermarket ads. The effort of aspiring to the impossibly beautiful Christmas-themed house down the road with its own fake snow, light show nativity scene Disrupted routines, family tensions, the endless list of Christmas get-togethers and the resultant sensory overload for our kids and us… sometimes, I just want to skip the holiday season all together.

At the end of December I think to myself ‘Next Christmas is going to be different!’ but it feels as though I’m swept up into the festivity machine earlier and earlier. This year can be different for us parents by approaching the holidays with two things: awareness and deliberation.   

Gift yourself some me-time.

Your self-care doesn’t need to go on holidays in December too. Never has taking some ‘me-time’ been more important than in the stressful lead up to Christmas, especially when much of your focus is on your kids and family. Be deliberate, get out the calendar and schedule some me-time, whether it’s a quiet coffee or a day at the beach alone. Lock it down tight, like it’s the school end of year concert or the ‘good’ work Christmas party. 

An easy way to manage a quick hour alone is to utilise our drop and go system at your MyFirstGym branch. Your kids will be having fun, getting fit and your mental health will be all the better for it! 

Manage the Expectations of Others.

This isn’t about subtly letting the kids know they won’t be getting a cupcake farting unicorn come Christmas morning, but rather about managing the expectations of other adults. Sometimes there’s tension or pressure around family dynamics, friendship circles and even your workplace. Christmas lunch can be an emotional battlefield. Every spare minute can be booked and double booked with get-togethers. Work is busy anyway, and then a last-minute client insists on getting that project done before close of business. Cortisol cocktail anyone?

Awareness is setting healthy boundaries around time and interactions with others: this will help reduce stress. Clear communication, knowing your priorities, and being compassionate with yourself and others can help create a balance that works for you and your family. We found some tangible and helpful strategies here. Remember: the holiday season doesn’t have to be about meeting everyone else’s expectations. Rather, it should be about creating memories of meaning and joy with your loved ones.  

Mindful Holiday Celebrations.

Beware: life is not a Disney movie nor a Woolies ad. Making Christmas special does not need to involve 20 gazillion fairy lights and the latest iPhone wrapped in a farting unicorn (yes, the farting unicorn campaign has been long and robust at our house). Practice mindfulness and savour the moment rather than trying to be All The Things while rushing through the holiday season.

  • Gift intentionally: focus on meaning rather than volume. 
  • Simplify decorations: sit with the kids and make some ornaments, or simply choose a few that stoke your memories. 
  • Gratitude: during meals or celebrations ask your guests and children what you’re grateful for or start journalling yourself. This is a sure-fire way to lift your mood.
  • Be present: opt for smaller gatherings so you can connect meaningfully with others, and for the love of Santa, limit screentime for EVERYBODY (that includes you!)
  • Mindful eating: sit back, savour your food and chew slowly. Listen to your stomach’s signals about when it’s full, go easy on the drinks and hard on the healthy salads- your whole body will thank you later.
  • Practice kindness and compassion: volunteer to help those less fortunate and take your kids with you for an invaluable teaching moment. Small acts like helping a neighbour or sending a few cards can make you and the recipient feel good.
  • Embrace togetherness: this is what Christmas is all about. Let go of perfectionist expectations, be present and enjoy spending time with your loved ones.

Maintain Physical Activity.

Obvs. Make a deliberate effort to focus on you and your children’s health during the holiday season. Not only does physical activity release all those happy hormones and chemicals into your body and brain, but it also helps combat all that holiday food. MyFirstGym is all about maintaining physical and mental wellbeing, and Christmas Day is just like any other day. Play in the pool, go for a walk, play some cricket. Just keep moving! And with most of our branches only taking three days off over the Christmas period, there’s no excuse for your kids to skip all their weekly classes!  

Still not a MyFirstGym member? Why not give friends and family the easiest gift idea ever for your children: Prezentbox. They can contribute through the Prezentbox platform to MyFirstGym memberships (or any activities local to you) for a gift that is truly meaningful.

Have a truly merry Christmas everyone!

For more School Holiday tips and ideas visit our Ultimate Budget Friendly Holiday Guide