• Tech-Driven Fitness is the Future at MyFirstGym.
    July 28, 2023
    WORDS BY ERICA NEWTON, MYFIRSTGYM CO-FOUNDER   MyFirstGym is proving that wearable smart technology isn’t just for adults and elite athletes. We’ve developed the MyMovementBuddy, Australia’s latest fitness technology tailored specifically (and safely) to kids, and it is a game changer. Designed for children and families, and developed purposefully to inspire more movement, the MyMovementBuddy […]
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  • Happy New Year From MyFirstGym!
    January 25, 2023
    WORDS BY ERICA NEWTON, MYFIRSTGYM CO-FOUNDER Do any other parents out there feel like the New Year actually begins on the first day of school? When you can take a breath? Where the routine is a little more fixed (and child-free) from 8am-3pm? Don’t get me wrong: I love the long summer break, but I […]
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  • The Inertia Plague: Why aren’t kids playing sport?
    October 1, 2022
    WORDS BY ERICA NEWTON, MYFIRSTGYM CO-FOUNDER Our kids are living through their own generational pandemic: the Inertia Plague. A lack of movement beyond their fingers across a screen. A withdrawal from face-to-face contact. A distinct dread of getting out of their pyjamas on the weekend/holidays. Research shows it’s official: our kids’ participation in sports is […]
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